Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I'm working on an idea here. Please bear with me as I figure it out. Imaginary hearths, adjacent and glowing. It's a pun of sorts. And a work in progress, like all imaginary hearths. Get it? Oh never mind. Just keep watching this space if you would be so kind. Nowhere close to finished, but kind of intrigued by where they might go.

So these two paintings are each 12x16 (acrylic). My aim is to fuse them into a single, barely divided image that will be 16x24 in the end. The hope is that the blue border will be a surround like a mantel or even a television, and what you will be watching is the fire inside. Famous last words. It will probably end up looking like a really bad stew that you have no desire to try. But we will soldier on, as we always do.

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